Get Help Now

The Ontario Poison Centre is available to help you over the phone 24 hours a day, every day of the year. We can help you with poison emergencies and with questions about poisoning.
Get Help Now:
1 844 POISON X or 1 844 764 7669 (Toll-free)
Health Care Providers call:
416 813 5900 or 1 800 268 9017 (Toll-free)
- If you are concerned that a poisoning has occurred
- For information on how to prevent poisonings
- If you are a health-care professional and want treatment advice

If someone you know has swallowed or been in contact with a poison, it is important to know the right thing to do. Learn more about first aid steps!

From time to time, the poison centre will alert you to specific dangers in your community. We work closely with public health, government agencies and the media to keep you informed.

The Ontario Poison Centre (OPC) is always available to assist if you think that you or someone you love has been exposed to a dangerous substance.

Looking for your local poison centre? Click here for information about other provincial or regional centres across Canada.